WE ARE SACRAMENTO is a platform inspired and created by 5 individuals( Mario, Mari, Miles, Jesse, and Me). Founded by Mario Lopez. Our vision is to create an environment where people can express themselves through art, photography, podcast, food, writing, etc. We all have one thing in common and that is that we love SACRAMENTO.
On May 6th we celebrated the people that make Sacramento such an amazing place to live. The beer release party was held at Oak Park Brewing Co. OPB a great brewing company that works hard to bring the community together to not only drink craft but make a difference. They host beer releases and benefit concerts to recognize local artists and raise funds for local nonprofits. Every can of beer is a 16oz canvas, and our artist collab series is dedicated to getting amazing local art into your hands.
The We Are Sacramento Beer highlights locals making a difference in the community. All We are Sacramento Beer label images are captured by Mario Lopez
Check out some images below:
Images captured by Kayla Chew Photography
